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Back to School Forms 2022-23

Please follow the links or print the PDF files of the forms that need to be completed at the Parent Orientations for your child each school year. 

Volunteer Step-by-Step

How to become an on-site volunteer at AM Winn (through SCUSD).

SCUSD Parent and Student Rights Handbook

Please review, and print just the two signature pages at the end of the document. Sign and return these two signature pages in the back.

Library Book Permission Slip

To be signed by the student and their parent/guardian to allow them to check out books from the school library.

Digital Emergency Form

Emergency information form to be filled out for every student every schoolyear.

Photo Release

Please fill out this document to approve or deny permission for photos of your child or their work to be used in publications and/or school sponsored websites.

LCFF for School Funding

This form reporting your household income must be filled out by all families. A large portion of the funds received from the state are based on the socio-economic status of our students. Collecting this information from all families will ensure SCUSD schools receive the maximum amount of state funding possible.

Cell Phone Contract

Student and parent/guardian sign this form acknowledging that AM Winn prohibits the use of cell phones by students on campus, and that they will remain off and out of sight during the school day.


3351 Explorer Drive 

Sacramento, CA 95827
(916) 395-4505

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The Sacramento Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics or affiliation with Scouting America. For questions or complaints please contact the following staff: Title IX Coordinator (personnel related): Melinda Iremonger – 5735 47th Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95824 – 916.643.7446 –; Title IX Coordinator (student only related) & Equity Compliance Officer: David Van Natten – 5735 47th Avenue, Sacramento, CA, 95824 – 916.643.7420; Chief Human Resources Officer: Cancy McArn – 5735 47th Avenue, Sacramento CA, 95824 – 916.643.7474 –; Section 504 and Title II ADA Coordinator: Noel Estacio – 5735 47th Avenue, Sacramento CA, 95824 – 916.643.9412 –

Non-Discrimination Policy Contacts

© 2023 A.M. WINN Community Guild

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